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Learn which keywords your most successful competitors focus on for their own promotions

Get strategies for using effective keywords in your listings and PPC campaigns

Find out what else you need to do to rank among the top search results for high-performing keywords
The awesome individual report...
The awesome individual report, great communication, and services were all provided as promised. This was my third order, and I definitely plan to keep working with them.
Great service and awesome…
Great service and awesome recommendations. Product research is one of the hardest things to do, so getting recommendations with the correct qualifications is very important. Great job!
The results were delivered very quickly…
The results were delivered very quickly, and the information it provided is very interesting. The product you provided was something I never would have thought existed before. Highly recommended!
Each Report Includes
A full list of keywords used by customers when looking for products like yours
A keyword analysis to help you find the most effective keywords for your listing
Listing optimization analysis and PPC strategies used for top-selling products
Get a sample report with a full analysis of competitors' keywords
With Sellerhook research services, you can:
Improve the position of your product among Amazon search results
Optimize your ad expenses and avoid overspending on underperforming terms
Enable your team members to spend zero effort or time on keyword research
Find effective keywords for PPC that you’re missing
Sellerhook’s experts rely on data from AMZScout, having maintained a close partnership with the company for many years. They have absorbed all AMZScout’s knowledgeable experience from the past eight years, including insights from sellers and e-commerce experts.
Sellerhook was created by analysts in close partnership with AMZScout
We take advantage of keyword Big Data collected by AMZScout to enhance our keyword analysis with AI algorithms
Our customers range from first-time business owners to leading e-commerce companies and experts